Photo Challenge Day 1


Hello everyone and welcome to my photo challenge! So for my first photo, I thought I'd start off with the last photo taken of me before my horrible downward spiral a couple of years ago. This is me starting to feel unwell with Gastroenteritis or some kind of tummy bug. Seizures started severely and I was admitted to hospital but then they didn't stop. I only remember flashes of this hospital admission and my family were kind enough to not take photos of me repeatedly throwing up! I do remember singing. I remember them really struggling to put a cannula in and I remember being really grateful for IV medication. However, after I was out of hospital, I didn't properly recover and things drastically changed. I gained weight because I wasn't able to do much of anything. My ability to do my job was impacted heavily. (I did manage to binge the entirety of F.R.I.E.N.D.S far too quickly though!) Anxiety came into my life and I started experiencing panic attacks when I was struggling with being out in public. Admittedly though, this didn't happen often because I was out in public so infrequently. 

After a new medication, things changed and I haven't looked back. I had no idea that any of this was about to happen when this photo was taken. For me, this photo was the beginning of a downward spiral like I have never had before, but it taught me so much about depending on God, trusting in his timing, providence and so much more...


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