Photo Challenge Day 21

Hello again! It's the last day of November! I don't have even a proper entry for my photo challenge today. It's a picture rather than a photo but I thought I'd take the opportunity on the last day of November to properly introduce you all to my new Instagram! And this is my new logo for it, created for me by Michael! (Thank you!) I've been blown away recently by the Purple community I have found on Instagram and thought that instead of my personal Instagram being a constant spam of blog updates I'd create a page specifically to give you blog updates, and where I can also give you updates on what is going on with my epilepsy, get a bit more real and go a bit more in-depth rather than sugar-coating it for social media. If that isn't what you want filling up your feed, that's fine. I get that. However, if you fancy blog updates and real-life epilepsy talk, please go follow Doing Life in Lavender on Instagram! 


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