National Epilepsy Week 2021- A Dive into my Bag!

Today marks the start of National Epilepsy Week and if you’ve been around this blog for a while you know I never miss an opportunity to use an epilepsy related holiday/event to talk about something important to me! I’ve recently realised how much seemingly random stuff in my bag is there because I have seizures. So this week I decided to go through some of the random stuff in my bag that I would not be carrying around if it weren’t for my epilepsy and hopefully explain how something that seems very simple can actually be quite important.

The reason I carry around so much is because I want to be prepared for any eventuality regarding my seizures. And that covers quite a lot of ground, resulting in carrying around quite a lot of stuff! You may be aware of some mums and their superpower of having everything needed for any possible situation. At least mine always used to be on the ready with her (only slightly cooler looking) Mary Poppins bag! This week I’m talking about some of the stuff inside the seizure version.

Whilst my mum hasn’t lost her Mary Poppins-like organisation game, I’ve definitely needed to up mine in terms of taking responsibility at being ready for anything. As I become more independent, I need to be more prepared, myself, for any eventuality regarding my seizures, and unfortunately that means carrying around a lot more stuff!  

So this week I’m going to talk a bit more about the stuff I carry with me! Some of it might be pretty specific to me but hopefully it’ll be interesting. And if you have epilepsy and can relate to anything I’m saying, please feel free to steal my ideas!


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