Photo Challenge Day 7

Hello everyone! This is a photo that would not exist if I did not have epilepsy. It is the bucket of money I raised for the charity Young Epilepsy from a cake sale that I put on when I was about 17. As someone with epilepsy, as I got older I became more passionate about education and awareness surrounding epilepsy. Therefore when I got to sixth form, as my confidence was growing, I wanted to do something to encourage my school to educate themselves about the condition I experienced on a day-to-day basis.

I thought the way to motivate teenagers would be with cake so I put on a Purple Day cake sale. I had so much cake leftover and lots of people disappointed they hadn't been able to get cake because they had forgotten money because...well, if you've ever met a teenager, then you'll know that the teenage memory occasionally leaves a little to be desired... And so we carried on the next day, and the next day, and the next day! We ended up with a whole school week of a cake sale! And while I'm sure everyone didn't go away with an in-depth knowledge of epilepsy and seizure first aid, more people knew that epilepsy existed and we raised a good amount of money for Young Epilepsy! I'm so grateful for the family and friends who helped me bake or provided cake, and for the friends who helped me, who gave up every lunchtime for a week to wander around and sell cakes and other baked goods to try and raise just a bit more awareness of epilepsy.



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