Photo Challenge Day 6


Hello again! This might look like a random selfie and that's because that's exactly what it is! This is a selfie I took when I was on a break when I did work experience, aged seventeen. What I didn't know when I took this photo was that later that day I would see my first seizure (where I wasn't the one seizing, I mean!) I had been judging people for so long throughout my childhood for the way they reacted to my seizures, and suddenly I was the one in their shoes. 

Seeing a seizure myself gave me a much deeper appreciation for what it was like to be on the other side of a seizure. The feeling of helplessness and a greater appreciation of what my friends and family do for me. I realised how upsetting seizures could be to watch, and that they could be scary! I am pleased to report that I did not panic, however I did not take the lead on managing the seizure. I was just put in charge of timing it. I was only the work experience girl after all!


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