Photo Challenge Day 9


Hello everyone! This is another random selfie with a story. This is a story about independence though. Or rather a lack of it... This selfie would never have happened if I hadn't needed to be dependent on my family in a way I've gotten used to, but still don't really like. 

Some of my seizures occur on a daily basis. However, some days are worse than others! On the days when it is worse, I am often less able to do day-to-day things that I normally take for granted, such as being out alone or using public transport to get into work. That's exactly what happened on this day. I wasn't feeling my best and couldn't get the bus to work. This resulted in my brother taking me down to where he was working, at our church that day, and I spent about 3-4 hours hanging out in a Covid-empty building working on a ramble for you lovely people! My work is only a few minutes from my church so I was able to get there relatively safely knowing my brother could come and help if I needed him to. 

A lot of my time has passed in this fashion, waiting for the person with the car keys to be able to help me because I couldn't be independent, particularly as a teen. I am so grateful to all my family who go out of their way to help me get where I need to be when I can't get there myself. I don't know what I'd do without them!


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