Photo Challenge Day 16

Hello again! This is me doing possibly one of the scariest things I have ever done. This is me on the balcony of a cathedral in Basel, Switzerland. After climbing a spiral staircase and some steps that were barely there anymore I made it here. And then I went back down after taking a photo to prove I had done it! This was a terrifying and triggering experience for me. I know that heights are a trigger for me. They have been since I fell off a sofa when I was very little. So it's no surprise that I became really twitchy halfway up, but unlike the Castle in Ukraine, there was no option to turn back around! When I got to the top, I was clinging to the walls for dear life in the hope that I managed to get back to the ground before I had a full convulsive seizure, which I just about did! And felt much better once my feet were back on solid ground! I learned that day to avoid my triggers rather than try and push them to the limits. I could feel how close I was to a convulsive seizure and at one point really thought I was going into one. Next time, I'll just stay on the ground! (Even if the view was stunning!)


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